Pure Maths Colloquium: Justin Malestein

This talk is part of the Pure Maths Colloquium at the University of St Andrews. Check out our upcoming talks at https://theran.lt/pure-colloquium/.

Where: Lecture Theatre D
When: Nov 8 2018 @ 16.00
Video: Not recorded
Speaker: Justin Malestein University of Oklahoma
Title: Rigid structures with symmetry

I will discuss questions and problems concerning the rigidity of bar-joint frameworks as well as rigidity of other kinds of combinatorial structures. One fundamental question is whether, given a graph (or other appropriate combinatorial description), a “generic” framework with that underlying graph is rigid. In some circumstances, however, one would like to understand the rigidity of frameworks which have some symmetry and so are not fully generic. I will present some of the recent results in this direction as well as some of the difficulties and methods for proving such results.